Monday 23 March 2009

Sheltered Housing

If you read one blog I write this year, make it this one. This is really important.
The consultation period for Barnet's cuts to sheltered housing closes on 31st March.

If you :-

a) Hate vulnerable elderly people and hope they are left lonely and Isolated
b) Think 25p a week is too much to spend to keep our senior citizens safe
c) Don't care that many elderly people are suffering stress and panic attacks as they contemplate life without their trusted wardens

Then don't click this link, don't select your local councillor and don't send them an email saying you are disgusted at these cuts. Of course if you do care, then it will take you approx 2 minutes to do this. If enough people send emails/letters/knock on their doors, then they might actually listen. It will cost you nothing.

Just cut and paste this text into your email, if you can't find the words to express your feelings
You are my local councillor. As such I urge you to oppose the cuts to the sheltered housing service in Barnet. Please stop this cruel policy which affects the most vulnerable people in Barnet.

Can I also ask you to do one other thing. I can't stop this on my own. We need Barnet Council to listen. They will only do this if there is a mass campaign. Please copy a link to this page and email all your local friends. Ask them to read this blog page and if they agree with it take 2 minutes to also send an email. On average councillors get approx 10 emails for any issue. If they get a couple of hundred or a couple of thousand they will have to take note. There is an election next year so they are far more likely to listen. Please join this campaign.

1 comment:

  1. So you're "Marvellous Mike" Freer. What do you pay for? A warden service for the elderly in sheltered accomodation or another chauffeur driven car to pamper Brian Coleman?


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