Friday 26 June 2009

Casting out the gay demon

A quite bizarre story on the Daily Mail website. It concerns a Connecticut church, where an exorcism was performed on gay adolescent. Time constraints (I'm doing a gig tonight) prevent me from discussing this in too much detail. There are just a couple of points to make.

1) If the boy is still gay following the exorcism, will the congregation of the Church be asking for their money back?

2) If the poor boy suffers trauma as a result of his experiences, will he be able to sue all of those who took part.

If exorcism really was the "cure for homosexuality", we'd be living in a very different world, believe me. You know, I was brought up to believe that God has a plan and he made us all the way we are for a reason. That is why I believe that prejudice and intolerance are wrong. I most certainly don't believe that exorcism is something where audience participation & you tube videos are acceptable.

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