Thursday 16 July 2009

What happens when the BNP win elections?

We now have BNP MEP's and a BNP GLA member. This lovely picture is the Leader of the BNP, Nick Griffen enjoying himself with Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the French National Front. It seems, from the picture, that the Leader of the BNP has settled right in at Strasbourg and is really enjoying life.

Call me stupid if you like, but I thought the BNP were anti EU? I took this picture from Simon Darby, deputy leader of the BNP's blog. There were some interesting comments. The one I liked most was this one:-
Simon, I have been waiting my whole life for these photos. Just spent the last hour reading '' The Voice of Freedom '' and then these photos to view. I am close to tears , we really did take on the establishment and come out smelling of roses.
So there you have it. He's been waiting his whole life to see a picture of Nick Griffen troughing at the home of the EU Parliament? What a strange bunch of Nationalists we have in Great Britain.

Our next stop is my favourite London Tory, Roger Evans blog. Roger is the chair of the GLA audit committee. Richard Barnbrooke, the BNP member elected last year is a member of this committee. Now the BNP were elected on a promise that they would shake things up and work tirelessly to expose our corrupt mainstream parties. What did Mr Barnbrooke have to say about all of the abuse, in his role of Audit panel member. Here's how Roger Evans reported it (Click here for the full blog) :-

Apologies for Absence

Dave Hill at The Guardian had expressed concerns about BNP member Richard Barnbrook's presence on the panel (the Assembly had to put him somewhere) particularly as reports about funding to minority organisations and politicians' expenses provided perfect material for one of his trademark rants. This was probably one of his best opportunities yet to make an impact since he was elected so he SENT HIS APOLOGIES!!!
In the year and a bit that Richard Barnbrooke has been at the GLA, he's managed 3 press releases (click HERE to see them). The last one was in October. Has nothing happened since then? You'd think that they'd at least pretend to try a bit harder.

In answer to my question, what happens when the BNP win elections? Nothing much. I suppose that's probably a good thing.

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