Saturday 26 September 2009

The Barnet Eye Welcomes it's first guest columnist - Brian Coleman (I think)

I received this email last Sunday. It was from a very spammy looking email address and ended up in my spam bucket. I nearly missed it, hence the delay. It was sent to my work account. I've absolutely no idea whether this is a wind up or genuine. I publish it with a very heavy health warning, but if it is genuine, I think it is quite an interesting communication. If it's a wind up, it's a rather good one and as such deserves a wider audience. I doubt whether he will, but I would be very grateful if Mr Coleman or someone at the GLA could confirm or deny whether this is genuine and whether it represents Mr Colemans views. I publish this completely unedited and without  comment. Enjoy

Open Letter to the Barnet Eye readership

This blog has undertaken a politically motivated campaign of character
assassination against me. Let me spell out some facts for the  readers,
who may be under the misapprehension that Tichborne, who writes it, is an
innocent abroad.
Tichborne is an active member of the Labour party
Tichborne would not write a word about me if I was a Labour Councillor
Tichborne highlights my allowances and describes these as excessive. These
are set by independent panels. Anyone doing these jobs
would receive exactly the same figure as I do
Tichborne criticises my expenses. These are incurred through hard work.
They cover the costs I run up doing my job. They are not
a perk
Tichborne criticises the fact that I attend many functions in my work. I
don't ask to be invited to these events. I am invited because people
recognise that I do a good job
Tichborne draws attention to the fact that my mother is my consort as
Mayor. This is not a benign action, even though he was not abusive of her.
He is trying to use my mother as a means to get at me in a most underhand

Tichborne gives the impression that I am on the take. He does this in a
sly, poisonous and underhand manner. He is a member of the Labour Party. I
stand by everything I said

Brian Coleman


  1. Rog

    It is extremely unlikely that Brian Coleman, or someone acting on his behalf, wrote this but the comment at the end was interesting insofar as Coleman’s spokesman told the local press the same thing last week, that he stood by the comments he made. Even after being found guilty of breaching the code of conduct, he is unrepentant.

    The comment about allowances being set by independent panels also rings true. Coleman has use this argument publicly on previous occasions. I believe that he is now so deluded as to his sense of importance, that he probably thinks he is actually worth the money he receives from the public purse.

  2. David,

    The email intrigued me which is why I posted it. I suspect that it is

    a) Nothing to do with Brian Coleman
    b) Accurately represents his views

    Like many anonymous comments which appear in our blogs and in our local papers and even with blogs such as Barnet's Third Eye there clearly are a group of people who support the Conservative Party in Barnet who choose to operate in an anonymous and underhand manner.

    If I was a gambling man, I'd put my money on it being from a certain young individual who wished to help Brian and thought this would be the way. We all know he's been told off for doing things like this before.

    Then again I've a few mates who are more than capable than knocking something like this up purely as a wind for a laugh.

    I suspect we'll never know


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