Saturday 19 September 2009

A bit of praise for Barnet Council

Contrary to popular belief, I don't criticise everything Barnet Council does. The Thursday before last, as I went to a certain Standards Sub Committee meeting, I bumped into my Cousin leaving Hendon Town Hall. I was surprised to see her. She has Downs Syndrome and I'd last seen her when I helped take a disabled group to Lourdes in the summer.

I asked what she was doing and she said "been at a Council meeting". I was in a rush so I couldn't find out more, but it turns out that she was attending the launch of the Barnet Learning Disablities Parliament.

Councillor Richard Cornelius, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: "As a council we are constantly looking to promote independence among our users of social care services, including people with learning disabilities. Setting up this Parliament will give users a platform to air their views and discuss with their peers ways in which they feel their needs can be better met. As a listening council, we will take on board all their comments and do what we can, along with our health and police partners, to resolve any problems that do emerge."

It sounds like a good idea and I hope it works. I hope the council actually takes the suggestions on board. For more details click here.

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