Thursday 10 September 2009

Coleman: It's a no score draw - No it ain't mate

I just heard Brian Coleman being interviewed by Eddie Nestor on BBC London 94.9. He claimed that as the Standards sub committee did not fine or ban him meant he'd got a no score draw.

I love football, that's a great analogy. The only thing is that he had the best lawyers my tax money could afford. He knows the procedure. He knows the panel. Not only that, but his £10,000 solicitor was able to spend an hour trying to rubbish my character to the panel, with lies such as "Tichborne insulted Colemans mum (disproven by Vanessa Feltz live on radio this morning)". He had home advantage, as it was at the town hall. I wasn't even allowed to address the committee. Coleman was allowed to speak, I wasn't.

So back to the football analogy. Coleman had the most expensive team (mine cost nothing), he was given a string of dodgy penalty's (he addressed the committee as did his £10,000 lawyers, I couldn't). He had an expensive backroom team to spend months preparing the case.

In terms of Football teams, it was Manchester United Versus the Mill Hill Village 5th Eleven. Even with all of his advantages, he got, in his own words, a "No Score Draw". Well if Man U got Mill Hill Village at Old Trafford in the FA Cup and got a "No Score Draw" would Fergie be happy, would the fans. Nope, they'd be a laughing stock.

All of the cards were loaded against me, but I WON. I GOT WHAT I WANTED - I just wanted his behaviour to be exposed - when I brought the complaint, I thought he'd be told off and it would make page 16 of the Mill Hill Times. It's been no 1 item on the London BBC news, I never dreamed that it would be such a high profile story. I also wanted the Council to train it's Councillors to treat the public with respect. This is something they have agreed to do. Coleman clearly doesn't get it. He may not have been banned or fined, but his true colours have been shown. He lost the case. I understand that as he lost he has to pay his expensive Lawyer the £10,000 fee. The council only paid it if he was cleared. In my book, that's a pretty harsh sanction. I hope his lawyer buys him a pint after.

Anyway, I thought I'd dedicate a little bit of Frank to Brian

1 comment:

  1. Plural of penalty is penalties - your spellchecker, rightly, would have rejected penaltys but that's no excuse to slip an apostrophe in. Otherwise, congratulations.


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