Thursday 10 September 2009

Coleman tells Vanessa Feltz a pack of lies

I don't know if you heard the Vanessa Feltz show or the 94.9 News. Brian Coleman says I insulted his mother and had said he only helps Jewish people on this blog.

Those of you who follow it will know this is completely untrue. For those of you who don't, read this blog, which is the only time I've mentioned Mrs Coleman. As you can see and as Vanessa Feltz later admitted, it is quite the opposite of what Councillor Coleman tried to make out.

As to the charge regarding the Jewish Community. There is no such thing anywhere here. David Miller is a Tory who runs the "Not the Barnet Times" blog is Jewish and I can assure anyone that he'd not have let such a comment pass. David tells me he has read every blog I've ever written. Feel free to have a trawl through.

I ask myself, why does Brian Coleman need to make these things up?


  1. Rog - Coleman said that your "blog is full of lies [and] half truths"

    I have yet to find any lies or half-truths here. Plenty of opinion mind you, but honest opinion.

    As for Coleman of course, its a different story.

    He's also complained about the "drip, drip, drip of poison" written about him.

    I've yet to find any real poison on here. Again, plenty of opinion, but no vile, unsustantiated allegations like homophobia or racism for example.

    As for Coleman of course, its a different story.

  2. Incidentally Rog - do you know when we might get the verdict from the Standards Committee?

  3. Just heard the news that Brian Coleman has been found guilty of disrespect. No doubt further details will soon become avaiable.

  4. From the Facebook Group:

    "At last: well done to the members of the hearing panel, and congratulations to Roger Tichborne for daring to take Coleman on."


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