Saturday 5 September 2009

"The Conservatives are finished in Mill Hill"

I'm not a member of the Hendon Conservative association and I'm not a member of the Mill Hill Preservation Society. My Dad was the former and gave them pots of cash over the years. My mum was in the latter and also gave them a fair few quid. The Preservation Society is a huge influential organisation locally and has fought many battles to protect the green belt.

A very well known and influential local figure, who is both a stalwart Tory and a stalwort MHPS member approached me yesterday and said "The Conservatives are finished in Mill Hill. I certainly won't be voting for them at the next election". I was rather surprised by this statement. She continued "I don't really like your blog, but I know many people locally read it. Please can you put something on it about Andrew Reid becoming deputy chairman of the Hendon Conservative Association. This is something everyone should be aware of".

For those of you who don't know Andrew Reid, he's the owner of Belmont Stables and many acres of the green belt between Mill Hill and Totteridge. He's also had many battles with the Preservation Society over proposed developments at the stables. I've not had the pleasure of his acquaintance, but lets just say that locally, especially amongst the Preservation Society members, he's not going to be winning too many popularity contests.

Here's a link to the Hendon Conservatives website. He's the third face down. If I was John Hart, or any of the other Tory candidates, I would be a little worried. I've no axe to grind with Mr Reid, but there are many people who have. According to my friend, this will make a massive difference next May at the Council elections. I also suspect it might finish any lingering hopes Mr Matthew Offord had of getting elected as the MP.

Anyway, I promised my friend I'd let everyone know, so I have. Oh and by the way, she said she's going to be shutting her chequebook as well.


  1. ciao
    i'm roberto from blog is
    i have seen that you love punk..i think we grew up with the some kind of my blog there a lot of musical videos..take a look,if you want..maybe you will find something fine
    sorry for my engkish
    ciao from italy

  2. I'm sure Punk Rog got your message.

    Your engkish is fine !

  3. thank you to everibody!!
    but i'm not so sure is fine..eheh
    ciao a tutti

  4. Ehi! Meno di quel Signore Miller, non tutti hanno le ville toscane!

  5. quanti italiani in questo blog?

  6. Sorry guys, you've lost me. I struggle with English. By the way Brazz, like the Lydia Lunch clip

  7. lydia?well,i love no wave,when i listened to no new yoek,in 1978,i understood that music was really changing..james white,arto and dna..than tuxedomoon..


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