Sunday 13 September 2009

The Watling Festival of Football

The 2009 Watling Festival of Football

Here's the Full Story

Last week was supposed to be the week of the Watling Festival at Montrose Park. The organiser, Patti Skeats is an old friend of mine and we've supported the festival for many years by staging the music and more recently the football 5's tournament.

I was most upset to find that this year, Patti was unable to stage the full festival. She worked like a trojan, but I returned from holiday in late August to find it had been cancelled. I'd arranged for a 5 a side tournament to be staged, but clearly no festival meant no football. I rang around all of the teams taking part (with lots of help from my friends). I was quite surprised at the reaction. Everyone said "the boys have really been looking forward to it can't we do something". That was 2 weeks ago. My boy plays for Watling FC under 10's. A quick discussion followed. First problem - No pitches. No problem, Mill Hill Village Sports Club stepped in and said "We'll get the pitches sorted out and you can use our clubhouse". We then rang around the teams. We've got 2 Watling FC teams at under 10, Mill Hill Village put in an Under 9 and an Under 10, St Andrews put in two under 10 teams and Belmont FC put in their under 9's (the reigning champions). To accomodate the number of boys wanting a game, we decided to play a 7's tournament, rather than 5 a side.

So we had the teams and we had the ground. I then asked Patti if she could do the presentations. We decided to have a "friendly tournament" - no cards (ie unregistered players as well), following FA under 10 rules, but with mixed age groups.

So approx 70 boys, their parents, their dogs and their coaches etc made their way to Mill Hill Village FC's ground in Burtonhole Lane, Mill Hill. All in all about 200 people. Many thanks to the Mill Hill Village Sports club and their help in the kitchen and bar and for use of their pitches. Patti Skeats presented the trophy to St Andrews and all the boys got their medals.

The Watling Festival had a year off, but the Watling Festival of football was a fantastic success. All the more so because we organised the whole thing in 2 weeks.

How did it go :-


St Andrews 1- 0 Belmont U 9's

Third Place
Watling Orange 3 - 2 St Andrews B

Group stages
Group A
Belmont 2 - 1 Watling Yellow
St Andrews B 1 - 0 Mill Hill Village
St Andrews B 0 - 1 Belmont
Mill Hill Village 0 - 3 Watling Yellow
Belmont 3 - 0 Mill Hill Village
St Andrews A 3 - 0 Watling Yellow

Group B
Watling Orange 1 - 0 Mill Hill Village U 10
Mill Hill Village U10 0 - 3 St Andrews A
Watling Orange 0 - 3 St Andrews A

Friendly Match
Mill Hill Village 2 - 1 Watling Orange

Thanks to all of the teams, their managers, coaches and parents for a great tournament. Special thanks to Glen and Paul at Mill Hill Village for their efforts in staging the event. Also to Eddie for his support in organising the teams, Livvy for getting the medals etc, To St John, Luis, Eddie and Paul for refereeings and the kitchen, barstaff and groundstaff at the clubhouse. If I've missed anyone out, thanks.

Pictures (Top to Bottom)
1. St Andrews receive cup from Patti Skeats, Watling festival organiser.
2. Runners up Belmont receive their medals
3. 3rd Place final winners Watling Club receive their medals
4. 4th Place St Andrews B receive their medals
5. Action from Watling Vs Mill Hill Village

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