Tuesday 27 October 2009

Barnet is full of Nutters !!!!!!!

Are you a nutter? According to the Leader of Barnet Council, you are if you agree with me ! I thought I'd give all my legion of readers a chance to take the "Are You a Nutter test". It's very simple you just choose from answers A, B or C. If you answer A, then you agree with me. If you answer B, you agree with the leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer and if you answer C, you don't know, don't care or hate the pair of us. All of the questions are based on criticisms I've made of Mike Freer.  For Every A give yourself 10 points, Every B give yourself 0 points and for every C Give yourself 5 points.

1. Do you agree with the Statement "If I had £400,000 of taxpayers money I'd rather spend it on Wardens for the Elderly in Sheltered housing, to keep them safe, than Fat Cat Allowances for Councillors".
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

2. Do you agree with statement "If a popular Leader of a Party wins a Council election, increasing his parties majority, it is completely undemocratic to get rid of him before the ink is dry on the ballot forms and replace him with a new Leader who is "ideologically sound""?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

3. Do you a agree with the statement "If a Councillor is paid a "responsibility allowance" of several thousand pounds a year to look after the Borough's finances, it is his responsibility if the rules aren't followed and £27.4 Million pounds of Taxpayers money is lost"?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

4. Do you agree with the following statement "At a time when many families in the Borough are suffering terrible financial hardship, do you think it is scandalous that Council officials are spending thousands of pounds on jollies to the South of France to attend "property development conferences"?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

5. Do you agree with the following statement "At a time of extreme financial hardship for many families, raising the cost of burying dead babies in Barnet, by many times the rate of inflation is cruel, callous and heartless"?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

6. Do you agree with the following statement "A Councillor who keeps a Taxi waiting for five hours, running up a bill of £396.00 when attending a banquet, then claiming the money back from us Taxpayers, has shown he is not up to the job of being "Mayor of Barnet".?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

7. Do you agree with the following statement "Council meetings should be recorded and put on the Internet unless there are overriding privacy or security issues, so that we can all find out what is going on?"
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

8. Do you agree with the following statement "It is highly inappropriate for Barnet Council to appoint a Conservative activist as it's communications supremo, a highly sensitive, non political role, at a massive salary at huge expense to the taxpayer"?
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

9. Do you agree with the following statement "Paying a taxpayer funded allowance of several thousand pounds to the chief whips of political parties in Barnet is a scandalous waste of money, and is of no benefit to the Taxpayer"
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

10. Do you agree with the Following statement "The Leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer would be a far more credible Leader of the Council if he spent his time sorting these issues out, rather than continually trying to get his face on telly and in the papers."
A - I agree , B - I Disagree, C - Neither

Ok, add up your scores.

0-20 - You are a true Freerite and Mike would be Proud of you - You are probably a Barnet Tory Councillor or a Barnet Tory Councillors mum.

20-40 - You used to be a Freerite, but you are getting better

40-60 - You clearly think there's big room for improvement in Mike Freer's Barnet regime, but you think Rog T is a bit of a knob as well

60-80 - You are pretty sick of Barnet Council and think it's time for Freer to go.

80 - 100 - Mike Freer thinks your a nutter, but I wouldn't loose too much sleep over that.

1 comment:

  1. I scored 65 as on some of them I needed more facts but I do pity you living in Barnet.


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