Friday 30 October 2009


For no other reason than to draw your attention to the fact that I'm doing a gig for Barnet UNISON on the 13th November at the Claddagh Ring in Barnet, with my band, the False Dots, I thought I'd reprint the Lyrics to a song I wrote in 1979 called NAZI boys.

It shouldn't concern me but I've got to speak
about a bunch of killers growing old and weak
they are so respectable they'd have you believe 
but I don't want those guys to share a world with me

Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys

Lift up a stone your sure to find slugs
From Belsen to auschwitz operations and drugs
Killing babies just ain't my scene
but maybe thats because I'm a human being

Unlike those NAZI BOYS

Why don't you kill yourself and do the world a favour
but what would you say when you meet your maker?
I don't want to share a world with you 
and all your crimes that you just can't undo

Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys

Look at the world now and what do you see?
But think how much worse now it could be
If the merchants of death had had their way
Would you even want to be alive today?

Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys
Those Nazi Boys

Would you be alive today?
Would I be alive today?
What would be the price to pay?
In your gas chamber

Copyright - Roger Tichborne 1979

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff that, punks against fascists, always a good weapon.


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