Thursday 26 November 2009

Andrew Dismore, Labour MP - Only big people matter

Until today, Andrew Dismore MP had my vote. Despite his expenses, which I find truly distateful, I know people he has helped locally and I passionately believe he is a better man for the job than his Tory rival, Matthew Offord. Unfortunately as more revelations about Mr Dismores expenses come out, I've found it harder to justify voting for him. Sadly, the last straw came today with an interview in the Edgware Times regarding his expenses and the complaints (check the 2nd last paragpraph). Andrew Dismore said :-
"If it was a big issue we would have had a lot of complaints from big people"
 Sorry Andrew. This was the point where you lost my vote. You see I've voted Labour at every election because I believe that Labour was the party for the "little people". I believe that a Labour party should listen to "little people". I never thought I would say this, but I CANNOT VOTE for the Labour candidate in Hendon Constituency. As I believe that the Tory Candidate is even worse, I will be switching my vote to Matthew Harris, Liberal Democrat candidate and I will be actively suggesting that all Tory and Labour voters do the same. We need a change in the House of Commons. We need a new broom and we need all of the tainted MP's who think they've done nothing wrong to go.

To me that means changing the habits of a lifetime to vote for a Lib Dem. If we don't get rid of disease at the heart of British politics, then we'll end up with a third world economy, racked with corruption. Anyone who follows this blog will know all about the shenanigans at Tory Barnet Council, where Matthew Offord was deputy leader until recently.

The Brent Cross planning decision showed the Tories are only interested in "Big" property developers. Andrew Dismore tells us that only "Big" people's complaints matter. I'm Sorry Andrew Dismore and I'm sorry Matthew Offord, but I hope and pray that the electors of Hendon give you both a


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