Thursday 5 November 2009

Are the Barnet Tories really just the biggest Practical Joke of all time?

Many moons ago, I was sitting in the pub with a couple of mates who were anarchists and followers of the band Crass. They were having a conversation about trying to destroy "the establishment". I was trying to chat up one of the guy's sisters ( who was, shall we say, on another planet to the rest of the people at the table). The guy suddenly cottoned on to my hidden agenda and decided that he'd pick an argument. "How would you destroy the establishment then, come on lets hear your ideas". I responded that, if I were them, I'd join the Conservative party en mass, pretend to be respectable, then screw things up to such an extent that the whole system collapsed. The guy had a horrified look and said "but how could you possibly join THE CONSERVATIVES". I responded that if I wanted to destroy the establishment, that would be the first place to join. I then berated the chap for "not being a proper anarchist and lacking commitment". He was rather upset, but his sister found the whole concept rather funny.

I saw her on the train today, first time in years. "How's John" I enquired. She replied "He's now a pillock of the establishment". I asked if this was a cunning plan to destroy the system from inside. She responded "Oh, you know John, he doesn't think like that". She then said something which shocked me. "I've been following your blog. Do you think the Barnet Tories are a bunch of fifth columnists who are hell bent on destroying the Tories from inside?"

I'd honestly never thought of it, but she made a compelling case (she's now a Journalist). Is it possible that measures such as the sky high allowances for Councillors (far bigger than the recommended rates suggested by the independant committee) are purely a clever wheeze to undermine trust in our elected representatives. As for Brian Coleman's rampant disregard for anything remotely resembling manners in his behaviour. Could this possibly be anything else other than a wheeze to destroy faith in our elected representatives. What about the cuts to Sheltered Housing wardens? Can anyone who has a heart possibly think this is a policy which would do anything other than upset voters. We all have parents and grandparents and no one wants them to suffer the stress that Barnet Council are inflicting on this most cherished group of people. As for the Icelandic fiasco. What better way to upset people than through their pockets? As for the Easycouncil concept. If you were going to pick a concept, would you pick one that is associated with hidden charges, poor customer service and hassle for it's customers? The strangest thing is the way the inner cabal seem to pick the very worst Councillors for important roles. In the past couple of days I've highlighted ridiculous statements from Councillor Matthew Offord and Councillor Richard Cornelius. Any sensible person reading these statements would immediately conclude that they just ain't up to the job.

There are several realistic possibilities. They could be a group of Anarchist infiltrators, bent on destroying the system. They could be a group of pranksters who have just pulled off the biggest practical joke of all time. Maybe they really are as useless as they seem. I don't know, but I do know that even a few friends who are died in the wool Tories have told me they'll be voting Lib-Dem at the next election, as they couldn't possibly vote for Freer and co. Whatever the scheme is, it seems to be working.

Oh, and on a different subject, as we parted on the train, my friends sister said something rather chilling to me "You know that the political classes have put a lid on the whole expenses scandal.The whole business is being stage managed with a few sacrificial lambs being thrown to the dogs. They looked into the abyss and they were scared by what they saw. That's why they closed the whole issue down".


  1. I don't fancy anarchy in Barnet, do you?

  2. Rog

    The song Anarchy in the UK includes the line: “Your future dream is a shopping scheme”. When you consider Mike Freer’s support for the Brent Cross scheme, perhaps there is something to your theory!


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