Monday 2 November 2009

Barnet Council : Conservatives wasting your money wisely

Barnet Council is leading the way in London. Barnet has "spearheaded" a joint study with five other North London Councils into the lives of black and minority ethnic communities.

According to a press relase on the Barnet Council website, this "has revealed some interesting discoveries" - pray what might these discoveries be? Over to Councillor Richard Cornelius, Cabinet Member for Community Services
"The report shows that members of all communities want to work, save money and buy a property"
 What does Mr Cornelius conclude from this TWO YEAR study?
"Barnet's priority must be to avoid getting in the way of this journey to home ownership"
 And how did they reach these conclusions? They
"looked at a wealth of already existing data, such as school and council records, census data and social landlords' letting details, as well as holding a series of focus groups between June and December 2008 with 130 people from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds."
I really am speechless. What did Mr Cornelius think people from ethnic minorities wanted? Did he think they wanted to be unemployed, have no savings and live in holes in the road? How much money did Barnet spend on this? Let me give some advice to Richard Cornelius, Mike Freer, Lynne Hillan and any other Barnet Tory politician of the best thing they can do to help ethnic minorities and everyone else have homes, jobs and savings. Stop wasting money.It really is quite simple and you lot being Tories should understand this without a swivel eyed Trotskyite to tell you. Every penny in tax you waste on surveys such as this, is a penny that the Taxpayer can't save up, invest in a house or spend on a bus to the jobcentre. Lets just remind Mr Cornelius of some of the cash wasting cock ups his colleagues in the Barnet Tory Junta have inflicted on our wallets since Mike Freer staged his Palace Coup against Brian Salinger, just after the last Council elections.

* Money Lost in Icelandic Banking scandal £27.4 Million
* Overspend on Aerodrome Road Bridge replacement £11 Million
* Money spent on obsolete laptops computers, many of which are in storage £1.4 Million
* One of highest rates of non collection of Council Tax in London
* Inflation busting rise in Council Tax

They say if you can't be trusted with little things, how can you be trusted with big things. Here are a few other smaller extravagances which the Barnet Eye has heard about :-

* Cost of Plasma screen tellies for Council officers desks - approx £15,000
* Cost of sending Council officers to South of France for a "property development conference" approx £5,000
* Cost of allowance for Conservative Council group chief whip £3,000

Even the Taxpayers Alliance, regarded by many as a front for the Conservative Party, has no time for The Barnet Tories.

And then we have the Easycouncil. Now in my book this should be called "Stealth Council" In reality this is a scam to pretend to keep taxes low, by simply charging extra for everything. The council will recruit a whole load of Bin Inspectors to check you are not putting too much rubbish in. They say that if they can save £200 on your rubbish processing by cutting the amount you put out, then they'll give you £100 back. What if you generate three times the average? Lets get this clear, if you are a profligate waste monster, you get a discount. If you are a good citizen they'll rob you of £100???? A bizarre method of accounting and a strange way of treating good citizens.


  1. Rog

    Many people assume that the Taxpayers’ Alliance is associated with the Conservative party, but true blue Mike Freer disproves that theory. I wrote on my blog over a year ago that Barnet Council had been criticised by the Taxpayers’ Alliance for its reckless behaviour. But instead of addressing their concerns, Freer told the local papers: “The Taxpayers' Alliance has little grasp of reality when it comes to the complex nature of local authority finances.”

    I don’t think many people in this Borough are particularly impressed with Freer’s grasp of local authority finances either.

  2. David,

    I'm all for campaigning groups of citizens so I don't personally take issue with the Taxpayers Alliance when they target clear examples of waste. I suspect that any campaign such as this is more successful if it has an arms length relationship with all parties. I must say I was disappointed by the comments in this article from the chairman of the Taxpayers Alliance

    They'd do far better to stick to their point and clobber stupid councils like Barnet (whatever the political persuasion) than to stick up for dodgy MP's on the grounds that they are not as bad as someone else.

    Oh and for the record, I agree with your comments re this story about Andrew Dismore's comments about MP's expenses. I had a massive public row with Andrew Dismore in the local paper a few years ago about his second home allowance. If he'd listened to my advice then, he'd be in a very strong position now.

    I must say though that I don't think Captain Useless AKA Matthew Offord (The Tory challenger) is any sort of replacement. He'd be even worse. I note that all Barnet MP's Lab & Tory have 2nd homes. I also noted with considerable interest that no Lib-Dem MP's in London have claimed this.

  3. And, let's not forget, the Leader of the Council ferociously rounded on DCMD when he had the temerity to suggest money was being wasted. Branding people who prod and poke the Council to SAVE money as 'malicious w@nkers' is something you'd expect from a real hard left loony Council.

    The only true blue thing about this Leader of the Council is maybe his eyes or socks!


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