Wednesday 4 November 2009

Boris to the rescue

It seems that Boris Johnson has rescued  a damsel in distress from a hordes of vicious hoody girls wielding iron bars. Seems like he was cycling past on his bike and the lady ran to him. Whilst it is a undoubtedly a good story for Boris it highlights yet again something we all know. We don't all have Boris to rescue us, but if there is a local bobby on the beat, this type of incident wouldn't happen.

Having had our car radio nicked on Saturday night, I must say I was pleased to see a couple of policemen patrolling our street on Monday evening. It's just a shame they don't do it at 3 in the morning when the hoodlums are out a' robbin'


  1. My part of Enfield is suffering from bin thieves at the mo, I caught one but couldn't really do owt with him before police came so he just ran off.

  2. Maybe each of our three Ward Councillors should take it in turn to cycle around their Ward of an evening to scare off crooks?

    Best to leave the expenses at home tho !


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