Sunday 29 November 2009

Brian Coleman and the Mike Freer Conspiracy.

Got an interesting email from a Tory Party insider. This tells of the puppet master of Barnet - Brian Coleman and how he was scheming to install his mate Mike Freer as Tory Group Leader and depose Brian Salinger, whilst the rest of Barnets Tory party was frantically trying to win the last Council election in May 2006. If you are a Barnet Tory, you will recall that Mike "I never wanted to be Leader" Freer was the then Tory Council Leader Brian Salinger worked tirelessly on the Council Election Campaign.

Let me give you a few snippets from the email I have just received from a Tory insider :-
There is one aspect of the coup that has not been reported. When Coleman submitted his no confidence motion, he did so during the election campaign of 2006. Salinger was unaware of this, but it is quite disgraceful for a councillor to be plotting while everyone else was out campaigning.
Under the Group rules, Coleman's motion needed to be submitted 14 days in advance of the group meeting. That's how we know it must have been submitted during the election campaign itself because Salinger was thrown out before the council's annual meeting in May (just after the election).
Freer / Coleman / Hillan used to dine out every week so it was inconceivable that Freer didn't know what Coleman had done. At the time, Freer was Salinger's deputy. What an act of complete treachery on his part.

I don't know who seconded the motion, but the group secretary (Joan Scannell) would have known about it because all matters relating to Group have to be sent to her.
It is self evident that Coleman was campaigning for Freer behind Salinger's back - that's how they were able to pull off the coup. Salinger wasn't expecting it. And who can blame him - he was too busy trying to win for the Tories. For Freer to say he never wanted to be leader is a joke.
 Why would Coleman have tabled a no confidence motion, without a successor agreed and lined up? For Freer to claim he didn't want that is pure nonsense. How can you possibly trust a man who is so dishonest? How could anyone vote for him. If you are a Barnet Tory, is there any way you could possibly believe that Coleman tabled his motion, then Freer was elected without a challenge, without Freer being in on the scheme. Is there any way that you could deny that whilst Salinger and the rest of the Tories were campaigning for The Barnet Conservative Party, Mike Freer was campaigning behind the scenes for Mike Freer to be leader (with the salary and allowances circa £50 K at last count).

In all of the hubris following Freers exit as leader, one figure has been strangely silent so far. One figure has made no statements about the departing Leader at all. That man is Brian Coleman. Mike Freer was his man. If you saw the David Cameron video I posted, you'll notice that Cameron twice snubs Mike Freer. At the beginning and at the end. Strange treatment indeed for a candidate in a marginal seat. Is it possible that David Cameron has twigged what sort of a man Mike Freer is. Is it possible that he secretly is hoping that Alison Moore holds the seat for Labour? I'm sure whatever David Cameron may or may not think about Alison, he knows that she hasn't got a history of stabbing her Leader in the back when they are looking the other way.

1 comment:

  1. There are parallels with Ken Livingstone and the Labour group on the (late) GLC. When Labour was elected as the majority party on the GLC in 1981, it was under the leadership of the Labour moderate Andrew McIntosh - but he was deposed and replaced immediately after the election by Ken Livingstone. The rest is history ....


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