Tuesday 10 November 2009

Is this Freer's vision of the future? ... Budget Barnet run like Ryanair!

By Bill Kelly,

Is this Freer's vision of the future? ... Budget  Barnet run like Ryanair! If so that could account for my kitchen. Let me start at the begining....

About 2 years ago the government brought in a decent homes program. where social housing was to be modernised to a decent standard. I'm not talking Luxury.. but decent.

I moved into sheltered housing in June 2008 from a private resident. The kitchen of my new home was not touched under the decent homes program because the previous tenant did not want it done. Fair enough, 

The tenant decided to move back home abroad a few months later,  and my small flat lay empty..
Did Barnet homes move in to do the Kitchen?.....No way

I took up the tenancy...and after a few months was asked if I would like my Kitchen done...Oooh!  yes Please,

The sink unit had a slight tilt allowing the water from the draining board to run away from the sink onto the work top.

In April this year, I was informed by the chairman of our resident association, that he had been informed by Barnet homes that they had finished the program, and my Kitchen would not be upgraded.

In May, the Heating company did their yearly safety check of the boiler, and informed me that while the system had passed the safety checks. It should have been replaced ages ago because he could only give it an efficiency rating of 1 (the lowest ) that he could give it,

I have to turn the boiler thermostat on No.6 the highest setting.. The Radiator settings are also set to the highest setting, to get even a slight benefit of warmth.

The boiler by the way is  held together by gaffer tape. and to operate the divergence valve ( hot water only or heating and hot water ) you have to get down on hands and knees to turn the orange handle.

duly rang Barnet homes to complain about the sink unit and boiler....
No response despite a number of calls.

Fast forward to July 15th 2009 a plumber arrived... to fit new taps to Sink..

he walked into Kitchen and walked away again muttering, " I'm not fitting new taps to that sink Unit, It needs replacing,"

After a couple of months complaining by myself and the Warden, workman turned up mid September to replace Sink Unit

They say "every picture tells its own story... well  here are a few photo's after the new Sink Unit had been fitted and the "Workman"?? had gone...need I say any more......Yes....I was better off with the old one.


More Phone calls by me...( Ignored )....Phone messages to barnet homes left by the Warden....( Ignored )..... 3 weeks later a Inspector arrived to check the work..and was appalled at the work (or so he said )

Also in his opinion, I was being penalised, because the previous tenant did not want the work done. (I ask you, where's the money gone? )

They did come back to fix the plinth at the bottom of the sink Unit,
The tiles remain broken and need replacing, I have already suffered one cut hand.

Two weeks ago 21st Oct. I had yet another inspection, with the usual promise of keeping me informed....since then nothing....

I'm glad I am in the Autumn of my life, if this is the shape of things to come..


The Barnet Eye is always pleased to publish contributions from guest writers. Just CLICK HERE to email me your story - Thanks to Bill Kelly for this truly awful insight into life under Barnet Homes.

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