Tuesday 24 November 2009

Mike Freer : Guess who's to blame

Earlier in the week I wrote a blog detailing how Mike Freer, Leader of Barnet Council had described Nick Walkley, the CEO of Barnet Council as "Cack Handed" and "clumsy". He made these remarks to a journalist at the Hendon Times. She duly reported the comments (ie did her job).

Guess what? Regular followers of this blog will know what happens when Mike cocks up big time. He blames someone else. Word has reached the Barnet Eye from trusted sources deep within Barnet Council that Mike is bemoaning the fact that "the Hendon Times stitched him up". Apparently they have made his relationship with Walkley "rather strained". Apparently he'll think twice before "talking to the Times in future". Best of all he told the editor what he thought of him for "putting off the record comments on the internet".

I'd suggest Mike Freer buys a dictionary and looks up the word scoop.  I am rather disappointed that he thinks it's OK to tell a journalist that the bloke he appointed is "cack handed" and "clumsy" but not the people who pay Walkleys wages. As for Walkley, if I were him I'd be deeply suspicious of Freer's denials. I'd ask him this "Is this journalist who wrote the story a close personal friend of Mike Freer, who you'd expect to be discreet". If the answer is NO, then you've just got to wonder what else he's said and who he's told.

Of course Mike, I know you read this blog. Why not just submit a guest blog here to explain the whole sorry saga. Thousands of Barnet readers have clicked on the blog, so it's only fair to let you set the record straight. Let's face it, from your comments, you certainly can't trust the Times to let you get your story over. You can put your case across without fear of editing or other such misrepresentation.

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