Monday 9 November 2009

Mike Freer : We've got nothing to hide (except your comments)

Leader of Barnet Council Mike Freer says on his latest "Leader Listens" blog
I trust publishing these figures here will demonstrate to critics and cynics, and to you, that Barnet has nothing to hide.
 Strange really that he chooses to hide the comment I left?

Rog T
Posted November 7, 2009 at 11:03 am | Permalink
Your comment is awaiting moderation. Mike,
Please can you share with us exactly what this £417.20 in “Entertainment” was. I presume it wasn’t for a troupe of dancing girls to entertain you prior to your last cabinet meeting?


  1. Truth but in selective doses methinks.

    Keep probing.

  2. PS Rog:

    I'd like to invite to see my latest comedy show Poles Apart, which is about when me and my mate Mark went to Poland last year to get a job, in an effort to single-handedly reverse the immigration trend.

    We spent 2 weeks as immigrants and ate a lot of lard, we came home and made a show about our adventures that includes traditional Polish dance, moustaches, jokes about Russians and Poland's leading avant-garde theatre co-operative re-enacting the Gdansk iron ore factory strike of 1963. It may also feature "BNP the sit-com..."

    It's on at the RichMix on Bethnal Green Road as part of their immigration season on the 27th and 28th November at 7:30pm sharp and I think they are providing quality Polish vodka for the audience and some sausage.

    More info on Poles Apart is here:

    More info on the Richmix is here:

    Hope to see you there and please spread the word in any way you can, this is good piece of theatre that tackles the lies spread about immigration head on.


  3. Rog

    At the risk of repeating myself, Mike Freer’s answer is disingenuous. The council has not had a sudden transformation to openness and accountability. They are simply complying with the Information Commissioner’s rules. Rules which came into effect 10 months ago, but the council was too busy trying to cut the warden service to notice.


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