Friday 13 November 2009

"Oh dear, this wasn't supposed to happen"

At the Sun, in Guido Fawkes smokey lair, and all over the country, the Tory right are rather perplexed. Gordon Brown WON A BYELECTION. In the past, IT WAS THE SUN WOT WON IT.

Well I happen to think this is true of the Glasgow election last night. Sure, it's a Labour safe seat, but at times like these, they fall. I happen to think that Labour turned out because they felt sorry for the unfair hammering Brown took for "Lettergate". The British don't like bullies and they don't like unfairness. The byelection was a strong message to "The Sun".

I happen to think that the only thing which will save Gordon's bacon is a really nasty spiteful and negative campaign. If I was rampaging Rupert, I'd call in my editors and tell them in no uncertain terms to lay off the poison. Trouble is, I don't think Big Rupe does nice. I was talking to a pollster earlier today and they said there are two things which should make Cameron worried. Firstly he's not really managed to push his poll ratings on from last year and secondly, thanks to The Sun, people who hate Brown's guts are feeling just a tad ashamed of the horrible treatment he's had.

It is quite interesting to read some of the contorted conspiracy theories in some of the more outlandish blogs "Brown deliberately sent it to someone he knew would tell The Sun, to get us all to feel sorry for him". Sorry guys, if old Gordon was that clever he'd be 15 points ahead in the polls.

I thought Portillos comment on this week summed it up. The Sun shouldn't have taken the grief of a bereaved mother to stoke up a campaign against the Prime Minister.

What made this country great was FAIR PLAY. Anything that goes against that will instantly turn off the vast majority of normal British people. A lesson for us all - The Sun, Peter Mandelson et all

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