Thursday 5 November 2009

A question for the Conservative Candidate for Golders Greer - Mr Mike Freer

I've been played a recording of an answer Mike Freer gave to a question by Labour Councillor Alan Schneiderman concerning the Conservatives and who they sit with in the European Parliamentary chamber.

Mike Freer gave a very long and very evasive answer. At the end of this he stated that it was Ok for the Tories to sit with neo fascists because Labour sits with some equally unsavoury characters.

Let me remind Councillor Freer that he's going to be representing a Constituency with a large Jewish community. Many people within this community lost family members to the Nazis and Fascists in the middle of the last century. This is one issue that the people who will be voting for him really should know his views on.

Sadly because the Council won't broadcast it's meetings, I can't play the recording here, but if you don't believe me check out what Lib-Dem leader Jack Cohen has to say in his blog.

I'm afraid that Mike Freer's evasive answer to the question just won't do. As to the ban on recording council meetings. Many people have phones & other devices that can record these meetings in a clandestine fashion. How can someone pushing a policy called "Future Shape" be such a Luddite?

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, I also like how by going: "WELL THEY DO IT" is an acceptable answer.

    Moral high ground anyone?


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