Tuesday 24 November 2009

What have the Tories got against Hendon?

A rather odd thing happened last night. The Tory candidate for Finchley, Leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer held a Q&A session for the Finchley Tories with the Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron.

Where did he hold it? Hasmonean High School for Boys - Holders Hill Road, Hendon. I find it rather odd that the Finchley Tories hold a Q and A for Finchley residents in Hendon? Why not in Finchley? I asked one of my spies whether the Candidate for Hendon, Matthew Offord was in attendence. Nope, seems like he wasn't.  So there was a nice Tory rally for Finchley Tories, in Hendon without the Candidate for Hendon. Got that? How much did these Finchley Tories have to pay for the honour of asking a question? Nothing, it was free.

So what of the poor Tories of Hendon. What if they wanted to meet Mr Cameron on his visit to Hendon. Well the Hendon Conservatives website has this fantastic offer -

 David Cameron is coming to Barnet 23 NOVEMBER -
And You are invited‏    

HCA Sparkling Reception and Supper with the Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP, Leader of the Conservative Party. 6.45pm start. Tickets £100 each. Auction and raffle.
For security reasons, details of the LOCAL venue will be announced one week before the event
For more information please click here.     

So if you are a Finchley Tory, come to Hendon and meet David Cameron for free. If you are a Hendon Tory, it'll cost you £100. Glad to see that the ordinary man in Hendon can get to see Mr Cameron - if he wins the lottery.


  1. From what he said at the meeting Dave Cameron thought he was in Finchley & Golders Green constituency. I was there and came away feeling it had gone off like a damp squib.
    To be fair to the Tories the free advert they were given in the Hendon Times did say voters from all parts of the borough could attend, so Hendon Tories were probably there.
    The Hendon Times does seem to be giving blatant support to the Tories. First the free advert, then meek acceptance of censorship by Freer resulting in pulled stories as outlined in your blog, and now an invitation for readers of their website to send off questions to Dave Cameron.

  2. Sorry Rog but your Geography is as rubbish as your source!

    Hasmonean School for Boys IS in the Finchley and Golders Green Constituency and it WAS NOT for Party Members, in fact it was for floating voters!

  3. Amanda,

    Yup you are right. My geography is as rubbish as my source. I gave up Geography when I was 12 as I was pretty rubbish at it. As to my source for this blog, that was the Hendon Conservative Website, which as you quite correctly point out, is also pretty rubbish. That's why I posted a link to it.

    Oh and the address of the school, according to it's website is Holder Hill Road, Hendon.

    Oh and my spy is a rabid Tory who I bumped into in Marks and Spencers, who thought David Cameron spoke pretty well. I'll take your word that his opinion is rubbish as well. Generally despite his Tory leanings, he's not too bad a judge of a speaker.


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