"Encouraging our youngsters to get to and from school using healthy and sustainable forms of transport is a great idea for so many reasons. It teaches the importance of keeping fit and healthy from a younger age while helping to reduce the level of carbon emissions from cars."
Now you may be surprised to know that the person who tipped me off about this ridiculous press release wasn't complaining about how the Council can come out with this, when their policies are completely the opposite of what they say. No they were quite rightly drawing attention to the crass hypocricy of a member of Barnet Council claiming they want to get people out of cars, when their own policy is to force the Wardens who look after the elderly of the Borough to have to drive from location to location. As you may know, the High Court declared this policy illegal. Leader of Barnet Council, Lynne Hillan hasn't given up and she's starting the consultation again.
Why is it great for Lynne Hillan to strip sheltered housing residents of their wardens and force them to drive from site to site, but terrible for parents to drive their children to school, when no safe corridor exists. There is a pattern in all of this. Safety - be it that of Children crossing roads, or the elderly in Sheltered housing - it is the least of the Barnet Councils priorities. Car Journeys are great when it is a warden saving the Council money, but awful when it's a normal resident.
Well, it would be great therefore if Barnet would consider the North and West London Light Railway, to rejoin the two branches of the Northern Line, for the first time since 1939...