Saturday 27 March 2010

Swallow my Pride

The Ramones from 1977

Swallow my Pride

Winter is here and it's going on two years, swallow my pride

Things were looking grim but they're looking good again, swallow my pride
Loose lips sink ships they say, but isn't it always that way

Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah
Winter is here and it's going on two years, swallow my pride

Things were looking grim but they're looking good again, swallow my pride
Gonna have a real cool time and everythings gonna be real fine

Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah,
Swallow my pride oh yeah

If ever there was a song which summed up what is going on in Great Britain today, what we've endured and to give us a bit of hope for the future, this is the one. Lets hope a few people Swallow their pride and lets pray we're gonna have a real cool time and everythings gonna be real fine. I wonder if Geoff Hoon, Patricia Hewitt and co's loose lips have sunk Battleship Brown?

I love the Ramones and I think their minimalism says more than whole tomes of meaningless tosh spouted by many commentators. There's a lesson in there for us all from the greatest rock n roll band ever to walk the face of the earth. Oh Yeah !

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