Thursday, 29 April 2010

Is Gordon Brown a Homodoxian?

There is a great article on page 13 of todays Daily Express. It is all about rarely used words. Strangely enough many of these come in would come in quite useful when writing blogs about the current election.

For example HOMODOXIAN. This means "A person who has the same view as you". I immediately thought of Gordon Brown and his "I agree with Nick" - definate homodoxian if you ask me.

Then there is KAKISTOCRACY. This means "government by the worst citizens". Strangely enough. I suspect if any party wins the election outright, a majority of the British people will be ruled by a party they didn't vote for and will find this term quite useful. In all the arguments against PR, one which is never deployed is that at least the majority of voters will be represented by the government. Isn't that meant to be called DEMOCRACY.

Another word in the article is KECK. This means "To make a sound as though one were to vomit". I'm sure we've all done this as we've seen oily politicians lie through their teeth on TV in recent weeks.

One word I quite liked is MARIALITY. This means "Excessive or undue affection on the part of a wife for her husband". Whilst I don't expect any candidates spouse to come out and say "He's a blithering idiot and I only married him for the cash and the limo and if it wasn't for the kids I'd be off with the milkman", usually my reaction to any appearance from any spouse where they talk about their husband is to KECK.

How's about PARACME. This means "The point at which ones prime is passed". Nuff said really.

Another word which should be used more in the current campaign is TACENDA. This means "Things not to be mentioned, matters that are passed over in silence". Such as how to fund the defecit?

With all our MP's expenses, a word which may come in useful is QUOMODCUNQUIZE. This means "To make money in any way possible". Again Nuff said.

In the past when I've done blogs about unusual words, I've had a great response. People enjoy the more obscure reaches of our language. Many older readers will remember the TV game show "Call my bluff".  I was reading through the various parties manifesto and I sometimes think that these are like that show. I sometimes think it would be interesting to reprise that show with the three party leaders.

One other footnote. Being dyslexic, I'm afraid that I instantly forget these words. When I've done blogs on language before, people have spoken to me months later and said "That blog on COULROPHOBIA was brilliant". I had to confess I hadn't got a clue what they were on about until they said "You know, the fear of clowns", so please bear with me.

1 comment:

  1. With words like QUOMODCUNQUIZE in your vocabulary now, I certainly won't be playing Scrabble with you any time soon :)


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