I just took a peek at the number of signatures on the No 10 petition to strip First Capital Connect of their franchise. This has reached 5,852 signatures. Sadly it won't hit 6,000 before the general election as the new signatures and petitions have been suspended for the period of the general election. This applies to all petitions and is a measure to protect the system from abuse by coordinated party activity.
Whilst understandable, I think it's rather a shame in this particular case, as it clearly would have reached the magic 6,000 number during this period. It is worth noting that the lateness figures for the route for the period 7-31 March have just been released. For the first time since last August the figures are above 90%. I suppose this will be portrayed as an improvement and a vindication of their strategy. I think that the fact that we've had a substandard service for half a year proves quite the opposite.
If it is improving, Roger, it is probably because with all the bad publicity they have been getting (ie, with all the campaigning that you and others have been doing), they are trying to pull their socks up.