Sunday, 9 May 2010

Captain Useless is back to his slothful ways

I really don't believe this. Captain Useless AKA Matthew Offord is back to his old useless, slothfull ways. If I'd just won a seat at the General Election, the very first thing I'd have done is update my website and thank everyone. I lost at the council. I was devasastated. I don't have a highly paid campaign team to run my blog,  but I still managed. Sadly Matthew Offord can't be bothered. This screen shot was taken from his website more than 36 hours after the result.  He really is a lazy,ungrateful man. He should remember that the people of Hendon put him there and say thank you. What a lazy slob !!!! read and weep !!!!


  1. a bit unfair

    he has a thank you video on the home page

  2. Richard,

    If you'd just won, I'm sure you'd have put a new message on. As it is someone else shot a video and the just stuck it on. I think it's a poor show. How long would it take him to type up a message of thanks?


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