Saturday, 10 July 2010

Living the dream (or the nightmare)

There are a few blogs I'd like to draw your attention to this weekend. What is your dream (or your fantasy). Some of my favourite bloggers have been talking about their dreams, fantasies and nightmares.

First up Ms Marmitelover. She talks about her experience of a wife swapping party. From what she says it certainly was someones fantasy, but it wasn't hers - - I must say that it doesn't really paint a happy picture.

On a more cheery note, we have a little video from Scarlett, The Heavenly Healer who has started a gardening column for super trendy ID magazine - it seems like Scarlett is closer to her fantasy life right now than Ms Marmite at her orgy. I guess lusty tomatoes are more attractive than saggy middle aged bums -

Last up we have Lenny Nash, talking about his failure to become a chef - - This is what happens when it all turns to tears.

I don't know what exact conclusions we can draw, but I think it's clear from what Ms Marmite has to say that if you don't like the idea of something, giving it a wide berth is a good idea and from what Scarlett has to say, cash isn't everything and from what Lenny has to say, it's better to have drank from the cup than not. Have a great weekend

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rog. I am pleased with the film, I have to say!


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