Tuesday 31 August 2010

Barnet Leadership Challenge - Tory Musical Chairs

Hot News reaches the Barnet Eye. It seems like the Mark Shooter campaign  is planning a big clearout of dead wood in the Barnet Tory machine.

As well as Shooter challenging Hillan, I hear Brian Schama is in the frame for role of Chairman, ousting Wendy Prentice. Kate Salinger looks a shoe in for the Deputy chairmanship. It looks like Maureen Braun might be on the receiving end of a plumb job from her fellow Hendon Councillor if he wins. We believe this role is likely to not be too strenuous as Maureen is reputed to not be too keen on work, but will deliver a decent allowance - I'm all for helping old ladies in distress, so this is clearly very gallant of Shooter.

Rather oddly, one chairman who isn't being challenged is Hale Councillor Hugh Rayner. Whilst denying he'd been knobbled by Shooter, Hugh did say he'd be happy to serve the people of Barnet in any way he could and wasn't too bothered who the leader was (such selflessness). Rumour reaches the Barnet Eye that dear old Hugh thinks Shooter may be able to reignite his ambition for a seat in parliament, which until recently he thought had long since gone. The good thing for many of the Tories on the edge of the regime is that the current palace coup offers many of them a rather unexpected leg up.

One other little gem reaches me apparently Brian Coleman may think Shooters campaign have identified a third member of Hillans cabinet who is knobbleable. Sadly my mole in the hole won't tell me who. Oh by the way, one little thing which may make you laugh. A report reaches the Barnet Eye that my favourite Jabba The Hut impersonator, Brian Coleman has not been himself today. Whilst he wasn't quite wondering around, Kenneth Williams style shouting "Infamy, Infamy, they've all got it in for me" he's most certainly not his usual happy, charming self. What could be the cause of his malaise? For all I know, it might because Mike Freer wouldn't give him a lift down the chip shop in his campervan, but he's not a happy bunnykins.


  1. Matthew Offord MP must be a bit uneasy, given his wafer-thin majority, that Andrew Dismore has been making so much mischief over Allowancegate - and will no doubt try and get the seat back next time.

    Mike Freer MP seems to realize that the world of senior politics is neglecting to notice his "talents", and he has decided to become a "good constituency MP", to try and hang on in Westminster - hence the camper-van.

    If the number of constituencies is dramatically cut, though, it may be "Last In, First Out". Mike could go back to banking!

  2. "It looks like Maureen Braun might be on the receiving end of a plumb job from her fellow Hendon Councillor."

    Well if that part has any truth in it then we can forget about any degree of humanity or compassion for the rest of the community. As I've said many times, the rest of us whom don't come from the Shooter/Braun classes in their Hendon ghetto, will still be looking to nearby ward councillors for representation. If you are in any kind of council or social issue requiring the assistance of councillors within Hendon ward, don't look to Braun or is it Brown, nor to it's MP, unless you're a middle-incomed comfortable Tory voter like Shooter.

    We kid ourselves, if we think "CHANGE" will bring us principled representation or common sense other than, more of the same in new packaging. How does young Shooter square "I'm not a politician" by becoming a politician. NO CHANGE!

  3. Moaneybat,

    Sadly the Tory leadership contest is not a proper election. It's one where Shooter needs 20 votes out of 39 if he has to win. If you have a look at Statler & Waldorfs blog you'll see that there are at least 20 with a strong bent towards Hillan. If you go through that list, work out which ones are cheapest for Shooter to buy. Sadly that is the maths in Bonkers Barnet.

    I suspect Braun is the cheapest of the lot.


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