Even the dogs of Mill Hill Support the campaign !
We asked Rover what he thought of Robert Rams and he said "Rough"
A local residents completes the first sheet full of signatures
Whilst this picture was being taken I was chatting to a Hendon resident, who was telling me how Leader of the Council, Lynne Hillan tried to use the Barnet Police force to silence him, after he publicly criticised her. Apparently the police spoke to him and then realised it was all a complete lot of nonsense. I always thought wasting police time was a criminal offence. It is rather sad that the Tory Leader of a Council thinks that the police have nothing better to do than harass her critics.
Local residents start to queue to sign.
Several offered to buy the books we collected. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire had the most offers.
Even when they have heavy bags full of shopping !
We ended up having two sheets running simultaniously as we had so many people waiting at one stage. The piles of books grew as we went on.
Sadly Mill Hill isn't the only library threatened by Councillor Robert Rams cuts. All of the libraries will be turned into Starbucks or Tescos if he gets his way. We were invited to run a stall by several locals visiting from other parts of the Borough.
I have a message for Lynne Hillan from the people of Mill Hill. Sack Councillor Robert Rams
For consistency, Roger, I suggest you print the wording of your petition on the web site, so that other people can copy it (or at least consider using the same wording).