Thursday, 26 May 2011

Bolloxology in Barnet

You can now follow Barnet Council on Twitter!/BarnetCouncil

Thanks to this marvellous service, I now know that Barnet Council has set up a trading company to deliver adult services. The staff who will run the new LATC will be drawn from both the council and Barnet Homes, the organisation responsible for managing the borough’s social housing stock.

So what is the point of this? It's quite simple. It is to remove provision of these services from democratic oversight and to prepare the system for outsourcing and privatisation. Of course none of this is mentioned in the press release.  Councillor Sachin Rajput says :-
“This is about forging a new relationship with citizens by giving people greater control over the services they use.”
Of course there is no explanation of how removing democratic oversight and forming a private company achieves this. The reason? Because it's a load of bollocks.

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly right on that.

    Rajaputana typically a Conservative more testicle than brain, coming out with bollocks about "meeting the needs of disabled people"

    Tracy Lees of Barnet Homes, service vomiting "opportunity to extend our expertise to support the delivery of adult social care services." while unable to deliver a half decent housing service forgetting they are not a social landlord but a private social Property Management Company. What next, negotiating with Iceland on a housebuilding programme.


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