Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Barnet Council - He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy

Sadly, there's quite a few very naughty boys at Barnet Council. They are even complaining about each other.

Sadly in open and transparent Barnet they don't name and shame


  1. A worrying amount of bullying going on - I have no idea who might be doing that ? An elected representative, disgraceful.

  2. This is the problem: essentially the Tory group is a class of schoolboys dominated by a gang, with no teacher capable of sorting them out. Lord of the Flies, anyone?

  3. Many councils are now controlled by a small cabal of individuals who use the greater power of their council for their own purposes.

  4. Have to get a big stick out to them..!!

  5. But they will spend our money on a bigger one !

  6. A bigger what ? i may ask Mr.M..


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