Sunday, 12 June 2011

So how interested are the people of Barnet in local politics?

I just checked the blog stats and was amazed to see that over 1,000 people have so far viewed the blog today. Interestingly, the vast majority come from sites which have bookmarked the blog.Clearly there is a huge amount of interest in the Council Leadership Election. I must say I'm a bit disappointed that neither the Times or the Press have got the story on their website as of 11pm today (Sunday). I'd rather hoped that the winner and the losers would have given some sort of comment to the press today, explaining what they stood for and how they felt. If Andrew Harper, Mark Shooter or the Winner Richard Cornelius would like to submit a guest blog detailing these, then I'd be more than happy to post it without editing or comment.

I hope Richard Cornelius is enjoying a pleasant celebratory dinner and a few glasses of wine tonight (if that is his tipple). The hard work will start tomorrow. What my stats tell me is that lots of people are interested and it is a shame we can't actually read what they have to say.


  1. The Press, sadly, doesn't do enough on the internet, but I too am disappointed the Times hasn't reported the news, particularly as "today is the today" has been known for some time.

    I hope the Times isn't cutting back on its resources, like the Press has done (resulting in the recent strike).

  2. Same shite,different so called leader!!!..


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