Saturday 23 July 2011

Are the local Council Blind or do they just do ugly?

Am I the only person who thinks the London Borough of Barnet is becoming a Shithole and an Eyesore.

I came across some old pictures of Mill Hill Broadway today in a  family album. A few observations :-

The flowerbeds contained beautiful flowers not advertising boards
The Streets were swept clean
They weren't clogged with rubbish and wheelie bins
Bus stops were bus stops, not mini advertising hoardings

We pay far more tax, the council must earn a fortune for advertising and wheelie bins are meant to be far cheaper than old style dustbings, yet we pay more tax and we've transformed the street scene into something resembling an overspill area from a dump. Does anyone at Barnet Council care?


  1. I don't think you can blame the council for all those things.

    There has been a little matter of packaging, take-aways, excessive individualism that neglects public spaces, and the end of locally-controlled council rates, replaced by centrally-controlled business rates and broad levels of council tax.

    But I don't regard any of the Barnet outsourcing ahead as helping this at all.

  2. and what about those pavement advertising hoardings that LBB let JCDecaux put up that are about 5" wide across the pavement and make life difficult for blind people, wheelchair users, prams etc.

    Outside the Bathroom Trading Co. on High Barnet High St for example. You can look at it on google maps.

    In October 10 Mr Eric Pickles MP ( Barnet Blogger Fan #1 ) told local Councils to remove street clutter signs. I haven't seen any sign of that happening (sorry)


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