Sunday 4 March 2012

Party in Mill Hill Park

Join the Friends of Mill Hill Park on Sunday 25th March 2012 for a community party celebrating the completion of the renovation of the playground at Mill Hill Park, proudly sponsored by In London Properties. Free entry, 2-4pm.

Come and play on the bouncy castles and fun fair rides or meet some of the animals from Belmont Children's Farm. Saracens Rugby Club coaches will be joining us, have a kick at goal and get cheered on by The Saracens Sensations cheerleaders. If football is more your sport, why not test your skills on the speed goal, courtesy of Whetstone Wanderers? For dog owners there will be demonstration of dog training by Barnet Kennel Club. There will also be an opportunity to be part of the park's future by planting trees and shrubs in the grounds of the park. are many more fun things to get involved in from face painting to Gymboree, or just come and play on the fantastic new playground equipment!

The Mill Hill Park Playground Development project is being funded through the Community Spaces programme which is being managed by Groundwork UK as an Award Partner to the Big Lottery Fund. Community Spaces is part of the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces initiative.
For more information contact

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