Wednesday 18 April 2012

A Tale of Two Barnets - The film that went to Parliament !

Tonight we have a screening of the film A Tale of Two Barnets at the House of Commons. I've no idea how many films get this fantastic privilige, but as producer I'm truly honoured. I've been to thw House of Commons twice previously. The first time was as a guest of the then MP for Hendon, Andrew Dismore. he arranged a tour for local constituents and invited me. It was fascinating. I would urge everyone who gets the opportunity to go. Democracy has served this country well. Seeing the heart of the operation was inspirational. What was especially nice for me was the fact that the green benches in the House of Commons chamber were reconditioned by a company based next to our studios in Bunns Lane Works. Sadly they've long gone, but it was nice to have seen the benches which had been piled up in a workshop, in their proper setting. I've no idea if our local MP's Matthew Offord, Mike Freer and Theresa Villiers invite local residents down for a tour ever, if they don't they should consider it.

Interestingly, the night of my tour was the day Ken Livingstone announced his intention to stand for the 2000 Mayoral elections as an independent. That seems like a very long time ago. It is interesting seeing various twitters saying an independent candidate can never win. Livingstone turned this logic on its head. I don't think I'm alone in thinking he was a more effective Mayor when he was an independent. Maybe there is a message there for everyone.

The second time I visited Parliament was as a member of the Federation of Small Business, to meet Ed Milliband. This was interesting, in a completely different way. I happen to believe that Labour has served the small business community far better than the Conservative Party, but they are hopeless at engaging with them. The Labour Shadow Minister for small business is MP Gordon Banks. He is one of only three MPs  to have run a small business. I was highly impressed with Gordon.

Anyway, if you can come along, please make the effort. Email me via the link in the sidebar and I'll see if we can get you in. We have a couple of places left. We have a star studded list of people coming, including secret millionaire Rob Lloyd, Former Aston Villa footballer Gary Peak, Boxer and Eastenders star Joe Egan and actor Russell Floyd. We also have some of the stars of the film and the director Charles Honderick. Thanks to MP John McDonnell for organising the screening. A top MP who cares about the people of London.

To celebrate we have a new trailer on the film website !

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