Thursday 3 May 2012

Yum Yum, it's £1,000 din din's time for Brian Coleman (and you pay)

The Daily Mirror reports today that old greedy guts Cockell was at a £1000 lunch hosted by his friend, the ghastly Brian Coleman. The Dame knows you all take the Daily Mirror, but for those who don' it is! In the old days, when gentleman predominated in local government, this sort of  common vulgarity would have been frowned upon. Cockell- had he any sense, would have politely declined the lunch. But, we know, he has form for enjoying £400 lunches for two 'on the taxpayer' 
and just can't resist stuffing himself. 

"Slasher burns cash: Costcutting fire chief blows £1,000 of taxpayers' money on lunch for his Tory pals"

Brian Coleman spent almost £1,000 on a meal, wine and flowers in a restaurant in the same building as the brigade museum he has threatened to close

The man appointed by London Mayor Boris Johnson to make huge cuts to the capital’s fire brigade has been blasted for blowing taxpayers’ money on lunches for his Tory chums. 

London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority chairman Brian Coleman spent almost £1,000 on a meal, wine and flowers in a restaurant in the same building as the brigade museum he has threatened to close. Guests included the Local Government Association chief Sir Merrick Cockell, London Assembly Member Richard Tracey and David Cartwright, of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. Last year, Mr Coleman, who is on nearly £115,000 a year, spent £2,000 of taxpayers’ cash on a retirement meal for a colleague.
The Fire Brigades Union London said: “It’s dispiriting when firefighters see their bosses frittering away large sums of money on slap-up lunches for their political chums.”

Mr Coleman would not comment about the March 1 lunch but, when asked at a recent meeting how much the meal had cost, claimed that he had “not seen the bill”.


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