Saturday 6 October 2012

The Saturday List #18 - The disasters of Mr Nick Walkley ex CEO Barnet Council

As Mr Nick Walkley, Barnet Council CEO,  has decided to do a bunk and leg it to Haringey, I thought I'd collate a list of the high points of his rule in Barnet. Unfortunately there weren't any, so here are the disasters instead.

1. Metpro Security. No contract, No CRB checks, No SIA accreditation, No Tax paid and £1.4 million of your cash. Kerching !!

2. Tax Dodging Contractors. At a recent Parliamentary hearing, a GLA spokesperson said that there were only 13 people in the UK working for local authorities on tax dodging contract. Funny that we know of 14 in Barnet.

3. SAP Procurement. Started in 2006 (pre Mr Wankley) with a budget of £6 million, costs have now risen to £24 million.

4. RM Countrysides Ltd. Barnets favourite charity. £2.4 million in work, no proper contracts and no control.

5. Helen Michaeal reported to police for producing a poster campaigning against parking charges.

6. One Barnet. So far £9 million spent on consultants (as best we can ascertain). Total savings £0.

7. NSL parking contract. The first One Barnet project. Losses so far £1 million.

8. Friern Barnet Library shut and reopened by Anarchists (Please note Mr Wankley is an admirer of the Sex Pistols motto "Anarchy for the UK")

9. Your Choice Barnet. Another Wankley special, set up to deliver care packages. Over half a million in the red since April.

10 My Favourite, the installation of his mini me, tax avoiding deputy, Mr A. T. Ravers as his deputy and replacement.

They say you learn by your mistakes. If this is true, then Haringey Council have got the cleverest new CEO on the planet. Thanks Mr Wankley for your efforts in Barnet. We hope you have spent the £700,000 we've given you for presiding over this  period of unprecidented and unmitigated disaster well. We hope you've had lots of fun at our expense and you look back on your time at Barnet Council with warmth. We hope this because no one else here will.

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