Saturday 1 December 2012

The Saturday List #25 - Who the Politicians of Barnet Remind me of

1. Andrew Harper - Dougall the Dog (same vacant expression)
2. Andreas Tambourides - Sid James (same laugh)
3. Maureen Braun - Hyacenth Bucket (nuff said)
4. Robert Rams - Hilda Ogden (same squeaky voice)
5. Brian Coleman  - Stanley Ogden (same Build)
6. Hugh Rayner - The Vicar in Dads Army
7. Tom Davey - Private Pike (same amount of experience of the world)
8. John Marshall  - Captain Mannering (same manner)
9. Antony Finn -Rumpole of the Bailey (same way of speaking)
10. John Hart - Terry Thomas (nuff said)


  1. Spot on with John Hart. Although there might be a touch of Leslie Philips, and a smattering of Jimmy 'Wacko' Edwards ...

  2. Rather insulting to Jean Alexander isn't it? She's a nice lady, not a pathetic little gopher.

  3. Arsenal 0 Abertawe 2.

    Dyna bywyd!


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