Friday, 23 August 2013

Oyster card refunds for delays - A simple way to claim refunds

I am endebted to Councillor Robert Rams for drawing my attention to, a simple and easy to use service which lets Oyster card holders receive refunds for  delayed or incomplete tube journeys. According to their website
ClaimMyRefund is an independent service, identifying and submitting refund applications for delayed tube journeys for Oyster card holders.
Within the two week claim limit set by Transport for London, using bespoke technology will check all your journeys and identify those that qualify for a refund, process the information required, finally submiting each one on your behalf.
You will receive an email each time a claim is made.
ClaimMyRefund's goal is to provide a 'while you sleep' delayed journey refund claim service to all Oyster card holders.
 I have to confess that I didn't even know you could claim a refund for a late tube journey. I thought these only applied to season ticket holders. The service only costs £2 a year, which means for most regular tube users, it will more than pay for itself after a month or two.

Anyway, check it out. It could save you a few quid and make those nightmare journeys seem a bit more palatable. Personally I think that people who develop technology like this deserve support and if they make a pretty penny out of it, all the better.

Just a quick word about Councillor Rams. I follow his twitter feed and he tweeted about the service in response to someone who asked how they could get a refund. Councillor Rams is one of the very few Barnet Councillors who use twitter and I do think many of them are missing a trick. In the course of their work, Councillors come across all manner of useful information which can be of use to the people they serve. Using twitter and blogs to get this information across is the way forward. I recently commended Robert Rams for also blogging about his diabetes - - I personally would like to see all our councillors use their knowledge and experience to help the rest of us. The Barnet Eye believes in giving credit where credit is due so today we say well done to Councillor Rams for passing on this useful tip. We suggest that he does what we've done and adds a link from his blog to the site as well, so his army of avid readers can receive the benefit of the information in the way that the readers of the Barnet Eye will.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info, however it won't help me much. I usually use buses because the tube is so expensive that i can't afford it.

    Maybe you can ask cllr Rams to talk with his boss to adjust the fares to the European level? e.g. in Berlin, a one off 2 hours commuting costs only 2.6 euro, no matter where and how (tube, overground, buses, tram), and you can switch between them as much as you like as long as you are within the 2 hours limit. This is even LESS then the London single bus fare.


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