Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What has changed under the Barnet Tories 2002-2014

How has Barnet changed since the Tories got in back in 2002

1. Average car speeds in sidestreets have increased as a result of road humps being removed

2. Homelessness and rough sleeping has increased massively

3. Front Gardens have all but disappeared to be replaced by carports in all but the largest houses

4. Back Gardens have started to disappear under new dwellings

5. High Streets have declined as parking charges have shot up

6. Moggies have disappeared from side streets as car speeds have shot up

7. We have a proliferation of rubbish bins

8. There are ever fewer sports fields and recreational facilities

9. Potholes have become far more prevalenton the Borough's streets

10. You can film council meetings

11.  Pubs are vanishing at a rate of knots

12. Nail bars are springing up everywhere

13. Car parks are hugely more expensive

14. You can't get a train from Mill Hill East direct to central London outside rush hour. 

15. Council tax has risen faster than inflation

So the Barnet concludes that if you are  car driving advocate of large shopping centres, moggie hating, non drinking, non sports playing person who likes to get your nails done, and you are not bothered by rough sleepers then you will probably be voting Conservative in May. 

1 comment:

  1. Also pawn shops and bookers. so if you want to pawn off your mum's silvers and pop up at the next door booker than you should be fine with the tories.


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