Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Church Farmhouse Scandal - Now for the Movie

Last night I had a rather sad experience. I went up to the abandoned and unloved site of the former Church Farmhouse museum. I took a guided tour of the outside of the site with former curator Gerrard Roots. I took my video camera and I will be sharing the experience with you when I've edited the footage. It was a rather sad experience.

It is beyond me how Barnet Council Tories could possibly even contemplate such a horrible piece of civic vandalism, let alone see it through. I noticed that our disgraced current Mayor, Hugh Raynor has made Hendon RAF Museum one of his Mayoral Charities. How sad that two former Mayors, Tony Finn and Maureen Braun seem less bothered about saving a gem in their own ward.

I attended the last day of the Museum three years ago. Since then the building has been left to rack and ruin. The lime trees have not been pruned, the pond is overgrown, criminals have stolen flagstones.

Why is it that when vandals destroy our local environment, they are arrested and sent before the beak. When Tory councillors do far worse, they slap each other on the back and think they are rather clever.

I attended the opening party for the last ever exhibition, the Harry Beck special, featuring the work of the man who designed the modern London Underground Tube map in the 1930's. At the opening we had our local Hendon MP, Matthew Offord, and other Tory Councillors such as John Hart. These people who claim to be educated clearly care nothing for our heritage.

I wonder if our local Tory councillors actually hate the past and our heritage? Are they so wrapped up in their grubby schemes that they cannot see why it is important to preserve our heritage. Anyway, watch this spot, the video will tell a story that has to be told.

1 comment:

  1. seems that the number of derelict council's (ours!) owned properties are on the rise. This calls for exhibition!


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