Monday 14 July 2014

What is going on with the Mayor in Barnet

Hugh Rayner became Mayor of Barnet in May. One of the jobs the Mayor has to do is raisde money for his chosen charities. The Barnet Eye always makes a point of supporting the Mayors Charity appeal because it is one of the the things which is non political and for the benefit of us all. I am therefore rather perplexed to see that nearly 2 months after Mr Rayner became Mayor, there has been no update of his page on the Council website with details of his Charity.

I took this up with Hugh on Thursday when I saw him and suggested that it should be sorted out post haste. It has still not been corrected. Why can't Barnet Council sort out  the most simple things?

For the record during his mayoral year the Councillor Rayner has chosen to support the Barnet Association for the Blind and the RAF Museum in Hendon.I hope that we all give these charities the appropriate support.

The Mayors page is here


  1. Perhaps he doesn't expect to be in the post for very long, what with, well, -- events dear boy, events.

  2. The RAF Museum may be technically a charity but it is dedicated to celebrating war and as such is not the activity the Mayor's Charity should support IMO>


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