Saturday 6 December 2014

The Barnet Eye Advent Calendar - Saturday 6th December

Welcome to the Barnet Eye advent Calendar. Every day during advent, we'll be giving you a little treat and also plugging a great local charity, so you can be entertained and then show your goodwill to all men!

Today our featur of interest is Burnt Oak. Did you know that in 1948 an RAF plane crashed into a Trolley bus in Burnt Oak in 1948 - check out this coverage from 1948 Pathe News

Today we feature a brilliant organisation which ha done sterling work in the Borough. is an organisation which works to help young people develop their full potential.  Checkout this video highlighting some of the good work they do.

The Barnet Eye is proud to live in an area where there are so many talented young people. We fully support the work of Nutmeg to help these young people realise their potential. We hear so many negative things about young people today. What we don't hear so much about is the great things young people do, especially when they are given a fair chance. Nutmeg help young people have that chance and should be supported by everyone who cares about our community.

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