Sunday 29 March 2015

Barnet Eye Exclusive - Boris announces his Leadership Campaign manager

Yes, it's unofficially official! As David Cameron has announced his plans to step down as Prime Minister at some point in the next Parliament, Boris Johnson has been working tirelessly to put his "Boris4Britain" team in place.

As ever with our leaky Tory friends, one has managed to secure a picture of Boris and his new campaign manager in action, and given it to the Barnet Eye in exchange for a Bombay Bad Boy pot noodle (these Tories just love a Bombay Bad Boy, they'll do anything for one!). Unfortunetly, not being part of the Boris inner circle, we are not quite sure of who this chap is. Initially we thought it was his GLA office manager Robert Rams, but on closer inspection realised the chaps is a bit too good looking. So if you have any idea who this Svengali figure is, please let us know.

The Barnet Eye would love to see Boris find a place in his team for the soon to be former Hendon MP Matthew Offord. Since Matthew was elected in 2010 he has shown all of the qualities that the Barnet Eye are essential for being a member of "TeamBoris" and we believe that with a dynamic player such as Matthew in his team. Boris will get the result that Britain needs!

1 comment:

  1. Clearly the Mill Hill muppet has special connections...


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