Monday 30 March 2015

UKIP Hendon in turmoil as candidate quits

It seems that UKIP in Hendon constituency are in a state of complete chaos. They are now on their third PPC as Jeremy Zeid has resigned following the "Abduct Obama" scandal.

The new candidate is Raymond Samash - full details are available on the UKIP website. Mr Samash has served as a medic in the Israeli army during the Yom Kippur war. He says

Hendon has benefited from immigration, which is evidenced by the many Irish pubs, Bagel bakeries and Indian restaurants providing food and drink from many parts of the world; but we believe that the sheer scale and pace of immigration is tearing at our social fabric and swamping our unique British way of life.. Whilst immigration provides benefits the time has come to introduce sensible controls to reduce the impact on so many of our basic services.

It will be interesting to see how this affects UKIP in Hendon. It is clearly not good for a campaign to lose its candidate ins uch embarrassing circumstances, but I guess better now than the week before the poll. Tory incumbent Matthew Offord is likely to be the biggest beneficiary of this spectacular own goal. It will be interesting to see how Mr Samash shapes up. Given Mr Zeids rather "interesting" views, we can only assume that he'll be an improvement. 

One interesting thing I have noticed is that UKIP Hendon does not have its own website piggybacking on the Barnet website. This to me makes the whole operation look rather amateur. If you click the people page, it seems they cannot even afford a decent picture of their branch executives.

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