Friday 1 May 2015

The Tweets of the Week - Barnet FC promotion special

Last Saturday, Barnet FC returned to the Football League. Two years ago when they were relegated, disgraced ex councillor Brian Coleman posted a tweet saying how pleased he was to see them go down. Brian savoured the moment, which seemed to spell the demise of the club he hates.

Now they are back, one or two Barnet fans used the opportunity to have their say. So for this week only, we are cancelling the Friday joke and giving you a selection of some of the best.

1. My old schoolmate, Barnet FC nut and friends reunited mogul Steve Pankhurst had this to say

after your disgraceful tweet 2 years when got relegated I can now happily stick 2 fingers up back at you

2. Michael Hanley, an old friend of this blog agreed with young Steve

Rejoice! Rejoice! Break out the Bucks Fizz.

3. Even the local Arsenal fans were happy to join the party!
Barnet back in the football league

4. Mat Smit is clearly a man of few words, but they say a good picture says 1,000 words and this is a great picture!

Embedded image permalink

5. One somehow gets the feeling that Olly isn't a big fan of our Brian!

Oi , we just got promoted back to the Football League. Hope you're enjoying your Bucks Fizz you prick!

6. Joe Ferris shows touching concern for Brians feelings!
barnet's going up how do you feel?

7. Marco Berni Art is rather proud of the new Barnet FC stadium

Hi Brian! Guess what?We're in the football league! Been down to The Hive yet to see the community asset we have?

8.  And rather touchingly Marco also quotes Brians hero Maggie Thatcher in his next effort!

9.Nigel Adderley has a bit of sympathy for Brians postie! I hope he gets a bonus this week

I hope Brian Coleman gets a bulging post bag from celebrating Barnet fans after his reaction to their relegation two years ago...

10. And finally... We asked Brian if he planned to congratulat his local team, sadly Brian didn't have it in his big heart to reply

 To all you Bees fans out there, congratulations we are proud of our local team. Whilst it is rather sad that our most famous disgraced ex councillor can't join in the fun, at least he has given us a little extra enjoyment in this most happy of weeks.

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