Tuesday 8 November 2016

Why musicians and artists deserve respect

 Sharing information is power
I've been involved in creative arts and music since 1967. My first "paid gig" was as an actor in a Tizer commercial aged 4. I appeared in a string of commercials until 1970, when my acting career was cut short due to my mother getting cancer and needing rest and recuperation. I was quite successful, appearing in TV commercials for Cadburys chocolate, Heinz Beans and Galaxy as well as a string of photo shoots for magazine adverts. In 1979 I formed a band called The False Dots and have been performing as a musician ever since.

The band originally formed as a punk band, but have since developed our style into a unique blend of psychedelic indie with a punky edge and an undercurrent of dark humour. We've done hundreds of gigs over the years and these days tend to promote our own gigs, in and around the local area. In the 80's we played all over the UK and Europe.

It has become ever more clear to us that promoters, venues and the music industry has absolutely no respect for artists. There is a facebook page called "UK Bands, Promoters, Labels Advice/Blacklist" which lists dodgy labels, promoters and other individuals involved in the music industry. The stories listed are quite shocking. Here are a couple of quotes

"My band got royally screwed by ***** a few years ago so as these "promoters" are off the same kin, I think I'll have some fun and string them along a little bit "

"Yep, had a message from them also. I scrutinised their offer as the "audition" process made no sense in relation to any kind decent return for the band so it went by the wayside. Money can be better spent elsewhere..."

"OK so just as an update guys, all the bands that have got back to me said they've paid their money and seen nothing from them. Probably best avoided it seems"

 It is quite alarming to see just how many artists, usually with little money or experience, are getting ripped off. Bands and artists come in all shapes and sizes and some are good and some are not, But all work hard and try their best. Most spend a small fortune on rehearsals, equipment, photos and other things associated with their art. Those that aren't so good will either improve or lose interest. Those that are better survive. It is just quite upsetting for me that so many people have so many bad experiences with what should be a fun and joyous business. People deserve some respect for making the effort and putting the work in, whatever their level of talent. People who rip them off, muck them about and disrespect them, deserve to be exposed.

I urge all artists who have a bad experience, to join the blacklist group and share their experiences. Whilst it won't stop the shysters, it will help us avoid them.

Click here for the blacklist group and send a request to join. Musicians and artists deserve respect.

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