Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Wednesday Poem #8 - The empty chair at the table

There's an empty chair at the table,
There's a place we didn't set,
There's a spare christmas cracker left in the the box,
Mum isn't with us this year,
Mum won't be joining us for dinner,
All we have is an empty chair at the table,
And a memory of someone we love.

Copyright 2017 - Roger Tichborne

Happier times

This was going to be the Xmas poem, but I thought I didn't want to upset anyone before Xmas. I think Christmas is a difficult time for us when we lose someone we love. That chair will always be empty. All we have is the memory.

In Memory of Celia Tichborne 1925-2008.
Every Wednesday, we feature a poem and a picture about our neighbourhood. If you have a poem and a picture you'd like to feature, just email to me using the link in the sidebar. I've written poetry for many years, for my own amusement. It was suggested that I share some of it. I hope you enjoy it, I'd love to feature anything you have written. 

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