Saturday 30 December 2017

The Saturday List #158 - Top Ten Ways to celebrate New Years Eve with a difference in The London Borough of Barnet

Tomorrow is the last day of 2017. I hope it has been a great year for you. Have you made your plans for tomorrow? If you are looking for something different to do, here are a few suggestions.

1. Fancy seeing the worlds greatest Orchestra? The Berlin Philharmonic are having a beam back shown at The Phoenix Cinema tomorrow at 4pm. This really will be a pretty special event, 

2. Tomorrow is your last chance to see Peter Pan at The Bull Arts Centre in Barnet. If you've not done a panto yet, here is your chance

3. We also have The Tiger who came to tea at The Arts Depot. This should be a whole lot of fun!

4. The Bohemia in Finchley is having a Back to The Future party! Looks like a lot of fun

5. The weather forcast for New Years Eve in the Borough is good around lunchtime. Why not walk off some of the Xmas Excess! We recommend the Totteridge Valley - maybe with a swift drink at The Orange Tree in Totteridge

6. Why not see the New Year in with some proper funk! Check out The Three Wishes in Edgware

The Power Of Soul (Soul Covers, 6 piece) at The Three Wishes, Edgware (4 miles)
9pm - midnight Info »

7. Tomorrow is your last chance to see the World War One in the air exhibition at The RAF Museum in Hendon

8. Why not go sailing! Many people don't realise that there is a sailing club in Barnet. Why not nip down and check out The Welsh Harp Sailing Club tomorrow!

9. Why not dig out the bike and go for a New Years Eve cycle. There are a stack of great rides in the Borough. Check out the list here.

Studio 5 - Drum Practice studio
10. Why not treat yourself to an hour's drum practice! Mill Hill Music Complex has a fully equipped drum practice studio for only £4p/h. All you need is a pair of drumsticks!

There are also piano practice rooms, full band practice and facilities for dance, photography and green screen video. You can also buy everything from drum sticks and plectrums to drumkits and guitars.

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